Dagarna efter valet har gått fort och vi vet ännu inte vilken regering vi ska få... Men vi vet att främlingsfientligheten har nått nya nivåer... Det skrämmer mig...! Det gör mig konfunderad hur mina medmänniskor tänker... Nya barriärer byggs upp... "Vi och dom"... Är det verkligen så vi ska ha det...?
Här kommer nu några sånger som har en annan infallsvinkel, en humanare livssyn och som förstår mycket, myckert mer...
Jag börjar med Doug Ingoldsby's "Us and Them". Det finns inget vi och dom...1 Bara en enda planet...!
There is a family in another country
No running water in their homes
A rugged life, way too hard for you or me
No grand possessions of their own
Through this prism, from our own reality
And all the stories we've been told
How can I feel that they're a threat to me?
With all I have and all I own?
Listen to the TV, all we've heard
Over and over, twisted words
Day after day, again and again
Twisted words say it's, Us & Them
Just Us & Them
Just like that family in that country
We love our children and our homes
Hurting them won't bring us safety
Why don't leave those folks alone
Here's a word for the commentators
Who fill our heads with all this noise
And one for your corporate masters
We're on to you "good old boys"
Turn off the TV, listen to the wind
Over and over and over again
Clear your head, measure your words
Children learn from what they've heard
Turn off the TV, listen to the wind
Over and over and over again
Clear your head, measure your words
It ain't Us & Them, it's just one world
All one world, all one world
- Doug Ingoldsby & Eugene Ruffalo

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