Igår fick Jackson Browne som första artist genom tiderna ta emot Gandhis fredspris vid en ceremoni i New haven. I ett långt tal så sade han bland annat detta:
"We need to look beyond our individual battlegrounds and see the bigger picture. The United States must rejoin the world and put the planet first".
"Inclusion means including other's dreams in our own".
"The Unied States may soon be counted as the graveyard for democracy, but if we even have a democracy at this point is an open question".
"The voting is always going to be controlled by the already rich and the already powerful".
"I think this award is for believing in peace in spite of its absence in so much of the world".
Kloka och modiga ord av en klok och modig man. Egentligen borde väl en del av detta vara en självklarhet, men innan vi når dit så behöver vi de som visar vägen...
Vad passar bättre än Jacksons översättning av Carlos Varela's "Walls and Doors":
That's how it's always been
And I know you know it
There can be freedom only when nobody owns it
- Jackson Browne / Carlos Varela

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