onsdag 21 april 2021

Idag tänder jag ett ljus för Sandy Denny

Idag tänder jag ett ljus för Sandy Denny. Det är nu 43 år sen hon dog. Men jag fokuserar på det hon hann skapa de 31 år hon levde...

"Makes Me Think of You" är en av de sånger som det endast finns en demo-inspelning av, men vilken känsla, vilken frasering, vilken röst...!!

Richard Thompson försöker här förklara det speciella med Sandy:
"Sandy had a way of really living a song. And I think she was able to do it because she had a very acute imagination. You could almost describe Sandy as someone who didn't have any skin. She was so hypersensitive to every little thing in the world, it was as if she lived more vividly than the rest of us. And I think that ability to get right inside a song, inside the persona of a song, was really quite extraordinary."

Linda Thompson berättar här om det för henne unika med Sandy:

Mer från Linda Thompson:
"Sandy could sing, you know, a 43-verse traditional ballad and you would never, ever, ever once be bored. And that's very hard to do. Remember, there's no hook. There's no bridge. There's no chorus. There's nothing! Absolutely nothing upon which to hang your hat vocally speaking. So you have to make it very, very interesting. You have to speak it almost but obviously not speak it because you've got to retain the melody. She was particularly good at doing that. You know she just had this incredible soul for making you believe in what. It's the same as actors, you know. There's only one criteria with actors and singers: Do you believe what they're saying? With Sandy, you just believed every word, every syllable, every heartbeat. It was all relevant. That's a great gift."

Sandy Denny hade en karisma som kunde smälta isar och förflytta berg. Saknaden av Sandy kommer jag alltid att bära med mig. Det hon lämnade efter sig kommer alltid att vara en källa av glädje och djup, förståelse och förundran.

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