En av årets trevligaste konserter var Jim & Sam's framträdande i Västerås i april. En av de 365 spelningar de gjorde under ett år. Ett helt år... Resande hit och dit... En konsert varje dag... Mest på små ställen och jag är övertygad om att överallt gick deras charm, deras kärlek, deras närvaro och deras förträffliga sång fram och grep tag i alla närvarande. På flera små ställen i Sverige, hemma i USA, lite här och där i Europa...
Efter att de gått i mål för en dryg vecka sen skrev de följande på sin Facebook-sida:
"I wish we could say that it feels like we just began...but this year has felt like a lifetime. And it was. This past Thursday was the final show...but it doesn't feel over. Just this part. Just the showing up and performing everyday. But everything else will keep going. It's in us now. Thank you for coming along for the ride... making the ride possible...and making this year the best and hardest ride of our lives...making us feel like we weren't insane people...making us feel like we were. Either way. We did it!!! Holy Shit!!! What's strange is now it just feels normal. Anyways...There goes a year. We'll see you all soon. Signing off for a bit. Anywhere Everyday."
- Jim and Sam
Här är ett härligt framträdande från turnén den 21 mars på ett bibliotek i Los Angeles:
Ta en liten paus nu, så ser fram jag emot fler besök i Sverige...!! Ni är så ruskigt bra...!!
PLEASE NOTE: Translated to English in the comment section!

SvaraRaderaJim and Sam did it...!!
One of this year's nicest concerts was Jim & Sam's performance in Västerås in April. One of 365 gigs they did in a year. A whole year... Traveling here and there... A concert every day... Mainly in small places and I'm convinced that everywhere their charm, their love, their presence and their excellent singing went on to touch everybody present. In several small places in Sweden, home in the US, a little here and there in Europe...
After reaching their goal a week ago, they wrote the following on their Facebook page:
"I wish we could say that it feels like we just started... but this year has felt like a lifetime. And it was. This past Thursday was the final show... but it does not feel about. Just this part. Just the show up and performing everyday. But everything else will keep going. It's in us now. Thank you for coming along for the ride... making the ride possible... and making this year the best and hardest ride of our lives... making us feel like we were not insane people... making us feel like we were. Either way... We did it !!! Holy Shit !!! What's strange is now it just feels normal. Anyways... There goes a year. We'll see you all soon. Signing off for a bit. Anywhere Everyday"
- Jim and Sam
Here's a beautiful appearance from the 21st of March at a library in Los Angeles:
Take a break now, then I look forward to some more visits to Sweden...!! You are so incredibly good...!!