Kjell Alinge spelade flitigt Latin Quarters "Radio Africa", "No Rope As Long As Time" och
"America For Beginners" på radion och det gjorde mig nyfiken. När jag sen hittade debutalbumet "Modern Times" var jag såld och jag lyssnade gång efter gång. Kommande skivorna "Mick and Caroline" och "Swimming Against The Stream" har även de lyskraft som finns kvar än idag.
Men framgångarna uteblev och bandet splittrades och jag minns min besvikelse att folk inte fattade det som var uppenbart för mig. Steve Skaith fortsatte göra några skivor i gruppens namn och sedan i Steve Skaith Band.
Nu, 21 år senare, har fem av medlemmarna återförenats och gjort en ny skiva, "Ocean Head". Jag var orolig att mina försiktiga förväntningar aldrig skulle kunna infrias, men... Nu har jag de senaste dagarna lyssnat frenetiskt och det här är så vidrigt bra att det bara är att inse:
En svårslagen aspirant till årets bästa album!
If I believed in God I would ask him
Could we start all over again
That’s what I would ask him…..
Do without the kings and those who strive
To live above the rest
And can ‘truth’ mean what it says
And not what power thinks is best.
- Steve Skaith
Bandets texter (oftast av Mick Jones) är lika angelägna som förr: Politiskt brännheta, men fulla av ödmjuk mänsklighet. Frustration över världens tillstånd, men även över förlorad kärlek, men ännu finns kampviljan kvar. Både Steve Skaiths och Yona Dunsfords sång är intensivt närvarande. Musik med rytmer och melodier som känns självklara.
EVEN SUPERMAN by Latin Quarter (Reunited)
Even Superman’s no more
But can you answer the question
‘What did we invent him for?’
Even Superman’s expired
Too weak to wrestle with the world that he inspired
- Mick Jones
Latin Quarter på Bandcamp.com - Här kan du lyssna på hela albumet i förväg och sedan köpa det. Alla texter finns också här.
Radio Africa - Latin Quarters hemsida med bl.a alla texter och om vad som inspirerade dem. Därtill massvis med artiklar, intervjuer och bandets historia, med mera.

Translated into English:
SvaraRaderaLatin Quarter, 21 years later
In the mid 80's I listened mostly to British folk-rock and acoustic folk music. Kjell Alinge played Latin Quarter's "Radio Africa", "No Rope As Long As Time" and "America For Beginners" extensively on the radio and made me curious. Then when I found their debut album "Modern Times", I listened again and again. Their upcoming albums "Mick and Caroline" and "Swimming Against The Stream" still shine brightly even today.
But success did not come their way and the band broke up and I remember my disappointment that people apparently did not understand what was obvious to me. Steve Skaith continued to make some records in the band's name and then as Steve Skaith Band.
Now, 21 years later, five of the members have reunited and made a new album, "Ocean Head". I was worried that my expectations could never be fulfilled, but ... Now I have listened frequently the last few days and this album is so stunning that I have to realize: A hard to beat aspirant as this year's best album!
If I believed in God I would ask him
Could we start all over again
That’s what I would ask him…..
Do without the kings and those who strive
To live above the rest
And can ‘truth’ mean what it says
And not what power thinks is best.
- Steve Skaith
The lyrics (mostly by Mick Jones) are just as urgent as ever: Political fiery, but full of humble humanity. Frustration over the world's state, but also over lost love, but still with a fighting spirit. Both Steve Skaith's and Yona Dunsford's vocals are intense and very present. Music with rhythms and melodies that are attractive and inspiring.
Even Superman’s no more
But can you answer the question
‘What did we invent him for?’
Even Superman’s expired
Too weak to wrestle with the world that he inspired
- Mick Jones
Latin Quarter at Bandcamp.com - Here you can listen to the entire album in advance and then buy it. All lyrics are also available here.
Radio Africa - Latin Quarters website, with all the lyrics and stories about what inspired them. In addition, dozens of articles, interviews, and the band's history, and more.
- ArT